Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Under the Winter Sun: or : Good Things Happen When You Run Away from Laundry

It was a morning just like any other manic school morning.
Day in, day out. The same.
Always the same.
A frenzy of locating boots, library books, permission slips, slicing bananas, burning the toast, plaiting braids, settling arguments, wiping away tears.
The walk to school was brisk, hurried.
Through the school gates, "Bye darlings. Kiss, kiss. Have a great day. Mummy loves you".

I turned my heels to return home.
I paused.
What was awaiting me?
Unmade beds, dirty dishes, mountains of laundry, floors littered with toys.
Bugger that!

Time to get out of the Routine Rut and have a spontaneous adventure.

I was On The Run.
Running Away from Domestic Drudgery.
Having a Spontaneous Adventure.
And loving every single thrilling moment of it.

First stop, coffee.
With a deliciously hot latte in hand I let my soul guide me.
It followed the rays of the sun and led me to the glistening horizon of the sea.
The Beach.
If there is a place on earth that can cure any of my soul's ills, it is the beach.
I am blessed, blessed, blessed to be living 5 mins walk away from it.

I breathed in the salty sea air. Rejoicing in Rejuvination.

I made my way to the pier, seagulls dancing overhead.
I heard a most beautiful voice chanting in the wind.
A man dressed in a yellow fisherman's hooded jacket was standing on the pier, his arms outstretched, the sun's rays making his face glow golden. He was oblivious to me as I timidly and respectfully walked past him. I did not want to disturb. He sang to the sun. I could make out some Spanish words. Was it a lament? An ode? It was beautiful. I found myself tearing up. I wanted to know his story. The mysterious singing stranger dressed in yellow singing to the Sun. I walked on as his soulful chant was carried by the wind.

The sun's rays glistened on the water like jewels, they were the diamonds of my day.

A little empty boat rocked gently. I imagined laying in it and napping, like a baby in a cradle.

A self-portrait, of sorts.


Suede winter boots amongst shells and sand

I left my mark by the Sea, just as it had left its beautiful mark on me.

When was the last time you had a spontaneous adventure?

I'm linking up with the gorgeous Jess from Diary of a SAHM for 'I Blog On Tuesdays', yee-ha!


Deb @ home life simplified said...

Beautiful Jess - so glad you followed your heart away from the house mess and to the soul filling beach - i miss living walking distance to the beach - my happy place to walk and think and breathe!

Misha - TheBlingBuoy said...

You live 5 minutes away from the beach? Luck you! I escaped to the beach on the last day of the school holidays (with the kids) and it was truly bliss. They made sandcastles while I sat back and relaxed! Until the 1 hour drive home...

kirrri white said...

Oh Jess...I haven't stepped on a sandy shore for a couple of months now (missing it so much!). Nevermind - I get to read about your wee adventure, savouring your words and photos and I'm almost there x

Yvette Bowyer said...

not done a spontaneous adventure in years... not since the kids have come along.. think its high time I do one!! Thanks for the inspiration!

Lee said...

We did a spontaneous drive on Saturday and it was so lovely. YOur time away from the grind sounds divine. x

~Summer~ said...

Gorgeous pics! And I'm motivated to go on a spontaneous day out too. =) Am popping by from IBOT and following you on GFC. Love the way you write, makes me wanna keep reading!

A Happy Mum

EssentiallyJess said...

We went on a spontaneous camping trip about 8 weeks ago.
Then I broke my toe.
Spontaneity doesn't work so well for me it seems ;)

Kelly @ Handmade Tears and Triumphs said...

I think this is my favourite IBOT post, beautiful! I wish I could be more spontaneous but my inner control freak usually wins! In the meantime I'll live vicariously through posts such as this!

Kelly @ Handmade Tears and Triumphs said...

I think this is my favourite IBOT post, beautiful! I wish I could be more spontaneous but my inner control freak usually wins! In the meantime I'll live vicariously through posts such as this!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous. Mummy time out is something we don't do often is it?

I live 5 minutes away from the beach too and it's my place to escape. Even with the baby and two year old for company, we always come home a lot calmer and relaxed.x

Editing Services said...

Beautiful beach

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