A momentous day.
One year exactly since I sat down at this laptop and published my first blog post here in Whoa, Mamma Land. An anniversary I share with the sinking of the Titanic, which is quite fitting really.
One year ago today I was sinking. Happy on the outside but drowning, wallowing deep inside. Emotionally I'd hit rock bottom. I was a stay-at-home mamma, devoted to my 3 darling kids and my darling Mr WhoaMamma, full of love, but still empty inside.
I had forgotten to devote some of that awesome Mamma-lovin' to My Self.
But, one fabulous, sparkly, shimmery year on, this Mamma's certainly turned her Woes into Whoa's!
All because of this teeny weeny little blog and a community of Oh-So-Fabulous-and-Inspiring readers!
I'm still a stay at home mamma.
I'm still devoted to my spirited little girls.
I still swoon over the ravishing Mr Whoa Mamma.
But I'm no longer empty inside.
Today is the eve of Greek Orthodox Easter. Which is fitting, because it's all about Resurrection and Re-Birth. I'm typing this inbetween baking batches of cookies with my girls and preparing for our big family feast tomorrow. This Mamma feels like she has been resurrected and re-born. It's amazing what a little Self-Love can do.
This is my little piece of Heaven.
A wonderful world where I'm more than just a wife, mother, sister, daughter.
Casa de Whoa Mamma: my cosy little home where you're Welcome ALL the time!
So, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU with all my buxomy heart, for taking the time to visit my little world. It gives me the biggest thrill, YOU, Sweet One, that you are here, right now, reading this.
Thank You to all the fabulous bloggers out there who continue to inspire me, entertain me, enchant me, motivate me, share with me and basically make the day a Whole Lot More Luminous and Joyous.
And, if you are sitting here reading this and wondering if you should start a blog, do it! do it! DO IT!
Don't do it for anyone else, do it for YOU!
It changed my life, and it could change yours too!
Hip Hip Hooray!
P.S: Stay tuned next week for a super-special giveaway just for YOU!
Yes, it's my Bloggy Birthday but you get the gifts!
P.P.S: I'm celebrating by joining in the Ultimate Blog Party! Hip Hip Hooray!
P.P.P.S: If you really want to give this Mamma a thrill and an extra reason for celebrating, would you like to throw a lil vote 'Whoa, Mamma's!' way in the Sydney Writer's Centre 'Best Australian Blogs 2012 People's Choice Award'? You can vote with one easy-peasy click!
Just click on the link below and scroll down to 'Whoa, Mamma!'
Thank you!